Troubleshooting your Merge Queue

Solutions for troubleshooting common issues with Mergify's merge queue to ensure smooth and efficient pull request processing.

Navigating the complexities of Mergify’s merge queue can sometimes lead to challenges. This guide offers concise, effective solutions for the most common issues, helping you maintain a smooth and efficient pull request process.

Whether it’s a delay, an unexpected behavior, or a processing hiccup, we’ve got you covered with practical tips to keep your workflow running seamlessly.

Problem: Continuous Integration Pipeline Isn’t Triggered

Section titled Problem: Continuous Integration Pipeline Isn’t Triggered

If your continuous integration pipeline isn’t triggered when temporary pull requests are created, check your CI system configuration. Make sure it is set up to run on all pull requests, not just those targeting specific branches.

Branches created by Mergify are prefixed with mergify/merge-queue/ by default and can be change with the queue_branch_prefix settings.

Problem: Mergify Creates Temporary Pull Requests, But They Aren’t Merged

Section titled Problem: Mergify Creates Temporary Pull Requests, But They Aren’t Merged

Check the merge_conditions in the queue_rules from your Mergify configuration. If these conditions aren’t met, Mergify won’t be able to merge the temporary pull requests.

Problem: Merge Process is Slow Despite Speculative Checks

Section titled Problem: Merge Process is Slow Despite Speculative Checks

This could be due to various reasons. Your speculative_checks number might be too low, causing fewer PRs to be tested together. Alternatively, your continuous integration might be the bottleneck. Check the capacity of your CI system; you might need to scale it up to handle the load from speculative checks.

Remember, the primary goal of speculative checks is to reduce the overall time to merge all PRs. It does not necessarily decrease the time to merge a single PR.

You can check the performance page for more insight on merge queue performances.

For further issues, don’t hesitate to contact the Mergify support team will be glad to assist you.